People x Theater 「Kitacube」

[Call for Participants] Junnosuke Tada Theater Workshop for Seniors

Experience theater to fully enjoy your life!

Kitakyushu Performing Arts Center is hosting a workshop for seniors aged 65 and over led by Junnosuke Tada, a director who has won high acclaim in Japan and abroad for his commitment to the aliveness of the theatrical performance and his dynamic direction. This two-day workshop will start with communication using theatrical methods, stimulating the participants’ imaginations and allowing them to enjoy dialogue and expression while engaging in a theatrical performance. Whether or not you have acting experience, why not connect with people of your generation and express yourself through a theatrical workshop?

Japanese Page is here


Junnosuke Tada
Director and Head of the theatrical company Tokyo Deathlock. Tada’s work spans a wide range of genres, including classics, contemporary plays, dance pieces, and community-based projects with local participation. He has served as the artistic director of public theaters, the art director for local governments, and the director of international performing arts festivals. His extensive activities include international exchange programs, workshops, and production projects with all generations—from children to seniors—at theaters, schools, and other facilities, as well as community engagement programs. He became the first foreign recipient of the Award for Best Direction at the 50th Dong-A Theatre Awards in South Korea for the Japan-Korea co-production of Karumegi. He is also a part-time lecturer at Joshibi University of Art and Design and Shikoku Gakuin University.

About Kitacube

Through the power of performing arts, such as theater and dance, we offer programs tailored to a wide range of audiences under the theme of “Encounter, Discovery, and Creation.” Like a Rubik’s Cube, we aim to combine the different facets of individuals and the theater, blending elements such as “self × artist (performing arts) × others” to create intersections, expand perspectives, and generate new values.


Organized by Kitakyushu City Foundation for Promoting Arts and Culture
Co-organized by Kitakyushu City
Funded by Agency for Cultural Affair Subsidy to Promote Art and Culture(Gekijyo Ongakudo tou Kinou Kyoka Suishin Jigyo ), and Japan Arts Council
Produced by Kitakyushu Performing Arts Center


Shogekijyo Playhouse
Monday, November 25 14:00-16:00
Tuesday, November 26 14:00-16:00


65 years old and older (acting experience is not required)
*Participants must be able to attend both days.
*Although there will be no intense physical activity, the workshop involves using one’s voice and body. If you have any health or physical concerns, please let us know in advance.
*All programs will be given in Japanese.

Program capacity

Approximately 15

Participation fee

1,000 yen in 2 days

Application deadline:

November 5 (Tuesday)
*Your application must arrive by November 5 (Tuesday) .


J:COM Kitakyushu Performing Arts Center
Tel 093-562-2620


*Telephone assistance is in Japanese only


